Ganja & Spirituality

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Most of us believe in something. 

The majority of us stoners believe in something spiritually. Maybe not religious, directly, but something deeper. 

What happens to our thoughts and mind overall while stoned? We start to drift and let our minds wonder, letting our body follow. 

My favorite ritual is smoking a blunt, laying down in the dark, putting my headphones on and letting my mind wonder while listening to music. I’ve had many spiritual trips, but nothing more profound than finding the medicinal properties physically while simultaneously feeling the psychedelic effects and trying to comprehend my life and put my life in perspective. 

Ganja allows my mind to open and give me a sense of calmness. It has helped shed light on myself and has allowed me to overcome obstacles and wanting to advocate the spiritual self-healing and mind expanding properties in the cannabis plant. 

Have you ever felt a spiritual moment with ganja yourself? I would love to hear your story in the comments or DM on my Instagram @Rasta.far.i 

What’s your favorite post smoking ritual?

What beliefs have you had previously that ganja has helped change,positive or negative?

Do you think ganja helps with spirituality and your thoughts on how the two correlate ?


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