The Cure For Racism... Marijuana ?

Instagram© Jeremyjoelgonzalez 

What would be the one thing that all Americans growing up deal with?

Raging munchies or maybe a hard time picking what to binge on Netflix next, to name more than one. 

How about the obvious cause of these two, doo doo dooo do Mary Jaaaahhhneee (R.I.P Rick James), sweet Ganga herself. 

(Fun fact: Female marijuana plants have more T.H.C than it’s male counterparts) The more you know 

Seriously, think about from one extreme walk of American life to the other, and what they have in common. Since roughly 12, we’ve heard, seen, smelled, and even smoked (5 second drum roll pause) WEED ! In some way shape or form we know weed so why not only use its medicinal properties along with its spiritual properties to create some sort of dialogue in America?

Legalization of recreational marijuana would only lead to one thing, stoned conversations. The only thing we need is conversation, but not just any conversation, a genuine one. The truth is, the majority of Americans have tried weed at least once, instead of stuck up politics can you imagine what a conversation would be between a stoned Trump supported and a stoned liberal Feminist would be like? The atmosphere more relaxed, more unified, less hostile, less judgmental, but more OPENMINDED, accepting, peaceful... loving.

America would truly be the greatest country in the world if we shift focus on achieve unity as a nation first. Before focusing on external affairs we, the people, must find common ground as a nation. The euphoric feeling that marijuana gives us makes us not only love ourselves but love our fellow man. If we as a nation can not only love ourselves but love everyone that lives and loves this country, despite all of our differences, we can save a generation and impact the world. Think about it like this, the U.S influences the entire globe, all eyes are on every aspect of life in our country. We find peace, harmony, and love we start to send out a genuine message the universe will respond back in a way which allows the rest of the world to follow our example. Now that we send out that message, the less we have to meddle in foreign affairs, less conflict. More peace and love!

It all starts within the 50 states, federal district, five self governing territories, and various possessions owned by the United States[1]. We as not only U.S citizens, Americans, Patriots, but we as a strong nation need to believe and work together to find common ground. I strongly believe we can achieve this. Racism and the separation of a wonderful nation filled with amazing and potential citizens is long overdue to be a closed chapter of our history. We do have a dark and scary past and their is no way to erase that much history but we can start to make way for a better future. We can start with the power of conversation, take that and add the power of marijuana and the powerful affects, that makes a recipe not for a perfect America but for one that’s more understanding and unified. 

What do you think would happen if not only recreational marijuana was legal nationwide but how you think marijuana can potentially help solve race relations? Let me know your thoughts and comments. 

Today’s rant was fueled by Girls Scout Cookies, according to my dealer.


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