Gucci Mane Isn't a Clone, Is He?

Let me guess..

You’re the philosophical stoner in your group, huh? Lol.

Don’t worry I’m not going to make fun of you if you believe Aliens helped build the pyramids or if you still think Gucci Mane is a clone (I’m personally about 98% he’s not). That’s why I created this blog!

I know I can’t be the only stoner that likes to read or discuss everyday life, different topics, modern day issues and anything else that comes to mind when high.

First off, I want to say you and welcome to my blog. I’m Rasta.Far.I, I’m just like most of you out there checking my blog out­— a stoner. I, myself am that philosophical one in the group and also a self-proclaimed “Weed Connoisseur.”

If you’re like me then you A. Love being high, B. Enjoy the effects of weed and C. Love reading and sharing your “enhanced” opinion with others. Even if you’re not I encourage you to check out my blog as I share my opinions on certain issues that I may feel passionate about, my thoughts and opinions on something like I mentioned before, or something completely random that I stumble upon while high.

Even if you don’t get stoned but you may take CBD or you just enjoy the relaxed stoner atmosphere I encourage you to sit down and subscribe to my blog as we enjoy our “enhanced” senses in this virtual weed café at the Stoner’s Corner.

But wait there’s more! (I’m high lol, I couldn’t help it!)

I want to hear your thoughts and feedback as well. I want to know and possibly even discuss what my fellow stoners think about everyday life. I want to connect with other philosophical stoners and more importantly break the negative connotation that weed has with everyday life while using knowledge to do so.  

Look forward to the future and I’ll leave you with this interesting philosophy.
“Think, it’s not illegal yet.”

IG: Rasta.Far.I


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